Monday, 5 December 2011

Edinburgh, sweet Edinburgh

Last week I was back in Edinburgh for a few days. Edinburgh is a really nice city filled with amazing people. 

I was at a ceremony which felt like it was a part of the Harry Potter stories. A lot of people running around in gowns and hoods with different colours.
The idea of the sorting hat in Harry Potter is taken from here. In reality the hat is not used to sort people, but instead people who are graduating from the university are hit in the head by the hat. This tradition is very old and most people who have graduated from Edinburgh University have been hit in the head by the same hat. The hat is believed to be made of John Knox' trousers and a part of it was taken aboard on the space shuttle Discovery during a space mission in 2006.

I wish I could have stayed a bit longer in Edinburgh and played some more samba football ;)
Thank you very much to everyone in Edinburgh for the wonderful time I had there! I miss you all...


Kirsten said...

The picture of Arthurs Seat confused me, until I decided that it was photoshoped. Please admit that the reflection is fake and there is no pond at that angle to the hill. Or am I completely wrong?

I still like your photography but I don't like being tricked!

Hope your enjoying the new camera. :-)

Johan said...

Photoshop??? I thought you knew Edinburgh (and me!) better than that! But OK, it's not really a pond, more like a puddle. You know, sometimes it rains in Scotland. I happened to be walking in Holyrood after one of those times and thought that it was a good opportunity to take a picture or two. I think it turned out really well, without cheating!

You can actually see some of the grass under the water, especially in the bottom right corner. So no, I did not cheat using photoshop, just some rainwater.

Kirsten said...

Aaah, a puddle. In my Edinburgh it hardly rains at all, just nice blue sky (actually as many of your photos show) and the occasional dusting of pretty snow. So forgive me for not realising it was actually a (surprisingly big) puddle.

Thanks for explaining and trust me that it was a compliment to your photoshopping skills (as least what I thought might have been that) and your fancy new camera, to assume that you could create such a stunning image.