Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Sao Paulo - Ibirapuera and the central market

Sao Paulo is an enormous city. There are about 10 million people living in the city and about 20 million in the metropolitan area. We arrived at one airport which is located in the northern part of the city. It took us about 45 min to drive to the southern part where we were staying. This was in the evening of the 23rd of December, meaning that there was almost no traffic. Skyscrapers were lined up everywhere during the whole ride. 

They don't only have big buildings, there is also a big park - Ibirapuera. The first three pictures below are from just outside the park and the following from the park itself.

The statue above is of Pedro Alvares Cabral, who was a Portuguese explorer and is regarded as having discovered Brazil.

The Brazilian idea of a Christmas tree apparently looks like this. To the right a war memorial is also visible.

The monument above is named Bandeiras, but is commonly called empurre-empurre, which means push-push. I don't exactly remember the story, but it shows how things sometimes work. Here they are moving a canoe over land. The first two people are riding on horses, just cruising along. Then there are a few people walking, while you have a few poor people in the end doing all the job - here pushing the canoe.

Above are three pictures from inside the park and below a statue of some kids trying to catch a pig. This is an old traditional Portuguese sport/game, where the pig is first smeared in fat to make it more slippery. The contest is then to catch it as fast as possible.

The central market is another attraction in Sao Paulo. They sell loads and loads of different kinds of fruit, many which I have never heard of before, but they all look delicious.

They sell a lot of other things as well in the central market. Below is a picture where they specialise in herbs and spices. One interesting discovery was that saffron was even cheaper than for example oregano. The saffron cost about £1 for 100g. I bought a bag in order to try it and it turned out that it does colour the food as saffron should but it doesn't taste much at all.

Below is a picture of a huge mortadella sandwich I ate in the central market. It was really tasty and the beer was not bad at all.

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