Saturday, 28 April 2012

Winter is coming (?)

It is starting to go towards winter here now, even though winter is a very relative statement. There is, for example, absolutely no chance that we will get any snow. In fact, most people here have never even seen snow in their lives. Instead, it is getting so cold that a few days ago I actually wore trousers and not shorts for the first time this year! I was in Sao Paulo over the weekend and decided to wear trousers on the plane to not get ill again as I did a few weeks ago. It was so cold during the whole weekend that I didn't go back to shorts until I came back to Belo Horizonte. 

We ran another 10 km race in Sao Paulo. This time I was a personal pacemaker for S. We failed to get below 50 min, but it was close and S. finished 12th out of 330 women. Looking at the picture below, I don't think that half of us could do it faster than we did...

Here in Belo Horizonte it is actually still so warm that I don't even consider wearing long trousers. However, since we almost are in May, the shops have started to sell winter clothes and some people wear boots and warm coats. They seem to think that since winter is coming they should wear winter clothes even if the thermometer shows 30 degrees (no, that's not in Fahrenheit). The temperature is, however, decreasing and some days it is actually really nice to go into the sun, whereas normally you want to hide in the shadow as much as possible. So yeah, winter is coming...

1 comment:

Sara said...

Half of us couldn't do it faster? Which one? ;)